One Night, Angel of Death, touched me so nicely

One Night
چهارشنبه 19 ارديبهشت 1397 | 7 سال پیشOne Night, Angel of Death, touched me so nicely and asked me, would you like to come with me? I said: No, Thank you, I have lots of things to do. and Death said: Then, why you are disappointed this much? Think that, only Death is the End.. everything else is endless. Effort is endless, Just continue... this is the only way you have. Another night; Angel of Death, touched me so nicely again and asked me, would you like to come with me? I knew that, Death only accept the trueness. I said: No, Thank you, not Now. I know that I have not much time. But I have to finish somethings. Angel said: OK, I'm patience. I'm sitting here, exactly behind and watching you. and tonight I turned around to the Death, and I told, It's so hard and painful, just keep going, without expecting result. Death, looked at me and for a long time said nothing... then, said: Life is just experience; you have limited time for life same as the others. And you can choose every single piece of your life. #andtonight My Death, very slowly #whisper in my ear: I'm not kidding! May 2018 دسته‌بندی نوشته‌های پراکنده کلید‌واژه Angel Death night end endless Effort continue disappointing Evelyn Morgan others life experience andtonight whisper 31K بازدید
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